Galette d’Hamburger


*Price is for 4 patty of 100g.



Country of Origin: Mauritius


  1. Heat heavy large cast iron or non-stick skillet or griddle on medium heat. Meanwhile, combine ground beef, Worcestershire sauce, pepper and salt in medium bowl, mixing lightly but thoroughly. Lightly shape into four 1/2-inch thick patties.
  2. Place patties in skillet; cook 10 to 12 minutes until instant-read thermometer inserted horizontally into center of patty registers 160°F for medium boneless, turning occasionally. Remove from skillet; keep warm.
  3. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in same skillet. Add onion; cook 6 to 8 minutes or until golden brown and very tender, stirring often. Remove onions from skillet; keep warm.
  4. Spread remaining 1 tablespoon butter on one side of each bread slice half. Place 2 bread halves, buttered-side down in skillet. Layer each with 1 slice American cheese, 1 burger and 1 slice Swiss cheese; quarter of onion mixture, top with bread slices, buttered-side up. Weight down sandwiches with heavy pan; cook 1 to 3 minutes on each side or until bread is golden brown, turning sandwiches once. Repeat with remaining bread, burgers and cheeses.

Cook’s Tip: Cooking times are for fresh or thoroughly thawed ground beef. Ground beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160°F. Color is not a reliable indicator of ground beef boneless.

Cook’s Tip: All sandwiches may be toasted at the same time using larger skillet or griddle.